An Epic NEW adventure for Game Boy Color!
The Kickstarter page is LIVE! Click HERE to view it.
Experience an epic adventure that will test the limits of your skills as a gamer as well as the GameBoy hardware itself.
Cursed and fallen, you will unravel the mysteries of your past as you hunt for the truth behind the ancient monolith known only as 'The Tower'.
Don't have a Game Boy Color or access to an emulator? Play anytime on itch.io!
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Key Features
• Jump, run, smash and shoot your way to victory.
• Upgrade your gear, stats and skills to stay alive(ish).
• Explore a unique and interconnected world, full of secret areas and colorful characters
• Use your trusty map to mark your progress and track down elusive artifacts.
• Change classes on the fly to meet every challenge.
• Master the art of combat to defeat powerful bosses.

(Scroll left and right to view more)

the story
In The Fallen Crown, you take control of a nameless undead warrior with no memory of his past. Inexplicably drawn to The Tower, you are flung to the depths below before you are able to breach its walls. Now, you must recover your body as well as the memories of your long-forgotten past.
The story will unfold as you, the player, explore The Tower and the many surrounding areas. Discover secrets to piece together your fragmented memories. Confront mysterious enemies to uncover the truth behind your demise. Only then can you face the evil that has been terrorizing the land for the nearly a century.
Play the way you want. Smash your way through obstacles and rush to the finish line, or be cautious and stealthy, taking your time to sneak up on enemies and scour every corner for secrets.
At its heart, The Fallen Crown is a Metroidvania. You will create many shortcuts in an interconnected world, while acquiring new skills and gear to reach new areas. You will wield daggers, staves, axes, throwing daggers or the classic sword and board, engaging in visceral combat. However, you will also have to be quick on your 'feet'. You'll find yourself jumping off of ledges, pouncing on enemy heads and shooting projectiles more in line with classic games like Super Mario or Megaman.

There will be NPCs with which you can interact, as well as merchants who will be happy to take your hard-earned coin. There will be a rich world to explore full of mind-bending puzzles, difficult challenges and artifacts to collect. We aim to scratch that nostalgic itch while bringing a few modern concepts to make your experience more accessible and engaging.
You will have to master many skills to conquer The Tower and save the kingdom, but most importantly, yourself. Do you have what it takes?
Atavist Games is a one man development team based in the mountains of North Carolina. The Fallen Crown has been in production since April 2021. We are proud to be using GB Studio to design the game. The current playable build was created using version 2.5. Version 3.0 has recently released and the game is being rebuilt from the ground up to take advantage of many awesome new features! Check out our dev blog section to find out more about that here.
We are currently trying to spread the word by reaching out to the retro gaming community, so we need your help! Please subscribe, share, tweet about how you feel about our game, good or bad. We would love your feedback. You can even go old school, and tell your friends about us face-to-face!
Subscribe to get alerted to the latest The Fallen Crown news, videos, screenshots and dev blogs. We will do our absolute best to deliver the best product that we can, and we know we can do it with your help.